August Session Meeting Highlights
- The financial review has been completed by Harley Piper and Evelyn White. A copy is on file in the office.
- A gentleman who lives in Woodburn is presently a youth pastor at a Portland area Presbyterian Church. He is interested in serving the youth of our church. Session decided to explore this option, along with other volunteer possibilities. An inquiry will also be made as to whether there are any grants for youth ministry available from Presbytery now or possibly in the future.
- Things are going well with pulpit supply each week. All of the pastors are getting their information to the office in a very timely manner. They all contribute to the service differently.
- Financial Report for July – Total Income $8704.39, Total Expenses $6,233.29, Net $2471.10 This surplus will allow us to repay withdrawals we’ve made from our savings accounts over the past several months.
- The Community Garden continues to deliver great quantities of produce. People are living/camping on our property. About a dozen liquor bottles were recently hauled off during a harvest of the community garden, and they leave garbage and cigarette butts. Session decided to proactively engage the police to remove the trespassers.
- Love INC held their second annual dinner auction on August 15 at Silverton Health’s Wellspring venue. It was well attended with a buffet dinner catered by Country Cottage. Attendees enjoyed entertainment by Billy and the rockets as well as both silent and oral auctions. Kim Johnston helped with this event. Over $6,000 was raised.
- Communion was served to 39 people on August 3, 2014.
- Property Updates – A new battery was installed in the lawn mower. The roof still leaks. The Iglesia Peuto del Cielo congregation will be asked to clean out the roof gutters. The remote microphones are not working well, but the podium microphone is fine. The podium microphone does not provide sound to the remote listening devices provided to the hearing impaired. Walt and Mark will continue to address these matters.
- The garage sale made $214.00. There may be another sale in September.
- “Group E” will prepare and serve soup or salad for lunch on September 7.
- Johanna is making calls on those who are ill. Jean Davis had a small stroke and is at French Prairie Care Center. Evelyn Balough now has a pace-maker. Walter Koval will have heart surgery in September. Johanna is forming a prayer chain.
- The Iglesia del Cielo congregation will be contacted regarding housekeeping issues in the sanctuary.
- Landscaping Committee/Nancy plans on doing pruning as needed and also doing more grounds cleanup.
- The next meeting will be September 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
Newsletter PDF: September 2014