October 21st Session Meeting Highlights
- We need a meeting of the congregation to elect three session members to the class of 2018, the 2015 congregation members to the nominating committee, and one person to the Support and Endowment Management Committee. A motion was passed for the special meeting of the congregation to be on November 16, immediately after the church service and for The Reverend Paul Belz-Templeman to be the moderator of the meeting.
- A letter was received from The Estates Golf and Country Club regarding advertising in their 2015 Phone Book Directory. A motion was passed to place a quarter page ad in the directory, at a cost of $260.00, similar to our ad in the 2014 directory but deleting the lines for minister.
- Walter Mangerich presented a job (position) description for a half time stated supply pastor that was reviewed by session and on motion, approved. Mary Johnson will take it to the COM-C meeting on October 25, for approval.
- More content has been added to our website, but we haven’t needed to expand the capacity. We are still paying the base amount.
- September income was $7,340 and expenses were $6,975, including the costs for the mural installation. This resulted in a net gain of $365
- A motion was passed to reimburse the Improvement Fund the $3400.00 transferred from it between April and July to pay other expenses. It was noted that an amount, to be determined, borrowed from a Synod fund and deposited into the improvement fund, needs to be reimbursed when the amount is determined.
- Community Garden: Wilber at the Food Bank reported that 4950 pounds of produce were harvested for the food bank this year. Garden cleanup was discussed. A man who works with a group of children with disabilities will be asked if they can do the cleanup. Beth Balaban needs to be contacted about this. Planning for 2015 will occur a little later.
- Session agreed that we could provide back to school supplies and backpacks to Love, INC. It was also agreed that we could provide adult diapers and similar adult items.
- Iglesia Peuto del Cielo cleaned the gutters and also cleaned the glass of the entry doors.
- The sound system is working. There will be no further improvements until funds are available for this purpose.
- The picnic and the mural dedication went well. First Sunday lunches will continue, with soup in the cooler months. We will provide refreshments for the Jean Davis service.
- The church van will begin taking passengers to Canby Community Concerts in 2015. Rowland Chase from the Nazarene Church is a co-partner, giving great support! The van will pick up at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Estates Clubhouse and concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Further details will be disclosed as we continue this mission, such as Christmas concerts coming up. A motion was passed that this be a mission activity and that no contributions be accepted.
- Evelyn Balogh has knee surgery on Nov. 5th. Lloyd Soule is having physical therapy and getting stronger. Christine Smith has been absent for a while, but will be coming back. Norbert Krausche is on hospice care. He will be moved home soon. Then, they will need to hire someone to spend a few hours a day helping care for him.
- The Stewardship Committee needs to become active soon to seek 2015 pledges.
- Next Meeting Date: November 18, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
Newsletter PDF: november 2014