Dec 16th Session Meeting Highlights
- Session agreed to install the new Session members during the January 18, 2015 service, two days before the January 20 Session meeting. The pulpit supply guest that Sunday is the Rev. Dennis Dusek. Nancy Hankins, Sally Klein, and Mark Sterling will be installed. Session committees will be organized at the January meeting. Session needs to elect a president, clerk, treasurer, and two session members to serve on the 2015 nominating committee with one of them to be committee chair.
- Session agreed that we will serve gluten free bread for communion from now on, starting with the communion on January 4, 2015.
- Doug Seely has offered us the pump organ that was in our church building when it was on Garfield Street. We need to get more information. Joanne will look into it.
- Session agreed that the annual meeting of the congregation will be held after a new pastor has been hired, probably in February.
- New pastor: Walt asked session to review the applications received and to call the references. There will be a committee meeting after the service on December 28, 2014.
- Headstart is having monthly parent meetings in the fellowship hall on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Laura provided a report to Session showing the number of page views that our website received in November. It showed between 0 and 18 page views per day.
- Lois Wengenroth’s son has donated Lois’s copy of the Bible on CD’s. Session directed that the CD’s be put in the library and that the congregation be informed.
- In regard to the GAP ministry through Love INC, Sally Klein prepared a suggested list of school supplies. Kim will confer with the school district and Love INC to inform them of what we intend to do and to confirm that we are “doing it right”. The congregation will be asked to donate items on the list.
- Walt will be meeting with a roofer. We asked the Iglesia Puerta del Cielo congregation to clean up the debris from the wind storm.
- Nancy Hankins set up and decorated a Christmas tree in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd. The Thanksgiving turkey dinner after the service on Sunday, November 23 was well attended, as was the soup lunch on December 7. Christmas decorations were put up after the soup lunch on December 7. The Christmas Cantata was at the time of our service on Sunday, December 21.
- We plan to get a Facebook page going for the church.
- Our Thanksgiving dinner was taken to shut-ins. Johanna continues visitation to members of the congregation.
- Joanne Hanson composed and sent out the stewardship letter with a pledge form and return envelope enclosed. Several pledges have been returned.
Next Meeting Date: January 20, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
January Newsletter: january 2015 for Web