You may have noticed that you have not received a newsletter for two months. You also may have noticed that this newsletter is listed as a threemonth newsletter . You may be wondering why.
NO we are not doing a quarterly newsletter, but this was just a case of “doing one more thing and then I will get to the newsletter” problem. The one more thing didn’t seem to end. So here I am at six in the morning at the church doing the newsletter before “one more thing” comes across the desk.
I can only say I hope you read this newsletter from cover to cover because a lot has happened in these three months.
We have done some serious upgrading of the heating and lighting in the church. We are moving forward on the Mural project which should be completed this spring. And we have lost some dear friends in the last few months.
We are moving into spring.
On March 22nd a group of people will be cleaning the garden and preparing the area for plowing and then planting. This date has been changed twice because too many people had one more thing to do. O yes, and then there was the snow!
We are now concentrating on the south side of the church. With the new mural will come new landscaping.
But most important spring is the time when we move into the Lent and Easter season. Lent is the season of reflection and Easter is the season of rejoicing.
It is the time of year that reminds us who we are. We are Easter people. We are people of the resurrection, people who follow Christ, people who gather together to worship and praise the God who continually blesses us in new and exciting ways.
As spring is a sign of renewal, so too is the symbol of the resurrection.
Many are sad that the ‘world’ has taken over the Christmas season. And though, to some extent Easter has become commercialized, yet it is a time the world can not fully embrace because it does not fully comprehend what it means that someone could be raised from the dead.
A baby Jesus in the manger can be comforting, but a Risen Lord can be disconcerting to those who seek to control and maintain the status quo the things of this world.
We should not waste this time of year, but thoroughly embrace the reflection of Lent and the celebration of Easter.
Newsletter PDF: Jan-Feb-Mar 2014 WEB