Nov. 18th Session Meeting Highlights
- A motion was passed to approve the 3/4 time pastor position description as prepared by Walt. It will now be sent to the Presbytery Committee on Ministry who will solicit applicants. Our mission statement will be placed on our website. It was agreed that session will serve as the Pastor Seeking Committee.
- The Halter family annual get together is on Saturday, December 13, from approximately 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mark Sterling volunteered to open and close the church for them.
- The office hours are moved back to 9-noon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
- Session agreed that there would not be a Christmas Eve service this year. Session agreed that the advent candles will be lit each Sunday, commencing November 30. The last advent candle lighting will be on December 28.
- A colleague of Debi Huddleston, Christopher Wicks, would like to play an organ concert here at the church in April, possibly Saturday the 11th. A motion was passed approving the organ concert.
- The toilet in the men’s room was repaired. A temporary repair has been made to the gutter in the front entryway. Walt has been trying to reach the person recommended for roof repair and has had no luck. Mark will try to find another roof repair person this week.
- There will be a Thanksgiving turkey dinner here at the church after the service on November 23rd. Debi Huddleston wants to schedule a Christmas Cantata for Sunday, December 21. Session approved and noted that there would then be no pulpit supply on December 21.
- Nancy Hankins will put up a Christmas tree in the sanctuary on Saturday, December 6. The hanging of the greens and Christmas tree decorating will be on Sunday, December 7, after the soup lunch.
- Our van taking seniors to Canby for concerts will be starting soon. Our church and our newsletter are on Yelp. Session members are encouraged to put favorable comments about our church on Yelp at
- Johanna reported regarding Christine Smith and Evelyn Balogh. Traudel Krausche needs part time help to care for Norbert when he returns home.
- Pop bottles and cans are still being collected. It is planned for the young people, in December, to buy non-perishable Love INC closet items with the pop can money
- Some people are continuing to deface Bibles and hymnals.
- A stewardship letter with a pledge form needs to be prepared and mailed now to our giving units. Letters from previous years and the pledge form are on the computer in the office. Joanne Hanson volunteered to work on this.
- The Landscaping Committee reports that barkdust should be spread now. A general landscape cleanup needs to be done when weather permits.
- Next Meeting Date: December 16th at 5:30 p.m.
December newsletter: december 2014 for web